Pigeon Drinking Game

  • Picolo drinking game is a alcohol game party app for android and iOS users. You can easily play game by following the instructions of the game. You have to add the player’s name before start the game so that all of you enjoy the game.
  • Pigeon drinking from fountain. Credit to u/cpatrick1983. Psychedelic, mindfucking, mesmerizing, reality-distorting or trippy games, video, audio & images.
  • Gamepigeon is one of the top iMessage apps out there with a variety of games to play. 20 cups, 2 balls, and 2 iPhones is all that you need to play the latest Gamepigeon iMessage game, “Cup Pong”. This game is a digital version of the popular party drinking game known as beer pong.
  • Game developers Sassan Yousefi and Hossein Shahbazi are trying to do just that with their mobile game Pigeon POOlitics. If the emphasis on poo wasn’t obvious enough, Pigeon POOlitics allows you to take on a group of pigeons and poo all over the candidate you want.
Pigeon Drinking Game

Board games (1) Card games (38) Coin games (2) Dice games (10) 1-2-3 Aces of Spades Across The Bridge Asshole Baseball Beer 99 Beer Blow Beer Snap Beeramid Blow Me Brain Damage Bullshit Bullshit Pyramid California Kings Circle of Death Circle of Death 2 Circle of Death 3 Connection Cops and Robbers Crazy Eights Death Ring. The Mike Tyson Mysteries Drinking Game will have players drinking to what is essentially the adult version of Scooby Doo, but with Mike Tyson. The show revolves around Tyson and his Asian Daughter Yung Hee, along with a Pigeon and the ghost of the Marquess of Queensberry. CUP PONG This one is more low-key, if you’re looking for a chill evening drinking game. It’s simple to access through the Game Pigeon extension on your iPhone, and it’s basically a virtual version of beer pong. The rules are the same, except you’ll need to provide your own booze.

Pigeon Drinking GameGames

Drinking games are almost a rite of passage for a member of the Browne family. In honor of my Irish dad I’m sharing this version of the family tradition which combines two things he loves: watching the Tour de France and drinking.

If you are participating in my Versus Tour de France daily online live chat (and if you’re not shame on you!) print out the list below (or view it on the Browne Eye Mobile app) and on the corresponding stage listen for Paul and Phil’s catch phrase or random comment. When you hear the phrase take a strong pull on your morning beverage of choice. Depending on the stage and my mood, I may be drinking a bloody mary, coffee chased with espresso and/or my fav beer of the week.

One added caveat to this game is that you are not allowed to leave and relieve yourself of any internal biological pressure that may be building due to the inordinate amount of liquid you are ingesting. What I mean is you can’t get up to pee – you need to hold it.

Also, some phrases are worth double gulps**, so be prepared with enough of your beverage to continue throughout the whole stage. If you run out of your drink before the stage is over is considered a rookie move and shows a lack of planning. Don’t be that guy – plan ahead.

For the hard core players, I’m adding the option of drinking a Red Dragon for sightings of the infamous Devil.

Game Pigeon Online

As an added bonus I’ve included a couple of Tour de France ring tones. Amaze your cycling friends and annoy your co-workers with the Versus Cycling theme song and a Tour de France car horn. (To use these as your ringtones, download the files to your PC desktop and drag them into your iTunes library. For further assistance, I suggest Googling for instructions.)

  • Fans in ridiculous costumes
  • Genitalia painted on road
  • The elastic has snapped**
  • Suitcase of courage
  • Thank you very much
  • Comment about scenery
  • Comment about animal on side of road**
  • Mano a mano
  • Dancing on the pedals
  • Serious blow to the morale

Pigeon Drinking Games

  • they’ve stretched the elastic
  • put the hammer down
  • Turned a pedal in anger
  • Massive crowd**
  • Like a trojan
  • Random fact about the city Tour is passing through
  • Traffic furniture**
  • He’s popped
  • Done his job
  • Suffering like an animal
  • Heads of State**
  • Cat’s amongst the pigeons
  • Have to dig deep
  • Boom-Boom and out go the lights
  • Ticket collector
  • Once you pull on that golden fleece, you become two men
  • Resplendent
  • Gods of cycling
  • My goodness me
  • Mask of pain**

Game Pigeon Download

  • Argee Bargee**
  • Desperately Close
  • Cross Swords
  • Going Over the Top
  • Comment about the Arc de Triumph